Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am dumbfounded!!! 5 people saw the same thing in the sky! Are we all nutty!?

OMG!!! I, my grandmother, great grandmother, and mother were eating at a restaurant in St. Augustine, FL ,yes, where the famous Ghost Hunters lighthouse footage was taken! LOL We live right near there and I saw it first. A cloud in the sky that was almost the whole visible sky, and it was a perfect house. It looked like the White House or the house from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. With 2 huge, perfect Greek looking columns on it! I said do u see that mom, she said omg! Then my ggma and gma looked and said omg I cant believe it, its a house. I didnt say what I saw at first, and they saw the same thing! The waitress came with our drinks and we said, feeling pretty stupid,can you do us a favor and look at the sky and tell us what you see?, and she said holy moly, it's a huge house in the clouds! I am a somewhat of a believer in aliens, and what the government would call a "conspiracy theorist" but it was the most awesome thing i have ever seen and probably ever will! I know 4 people and a stranger didn't imagine this gigantic house made of clouds!!! It is just bothering the heck outta me, wondering.........was that a sign, were we all tripping on some food, I just dont know! Thoughts anyone???

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