Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What can be wrong with me?

Hello i know this isnt reliable medical advise but hey lets see ! I am a 400 lbs 29 year old i have hypertension athsma carpal tunnel syndrome depression bipolar disorder and a persistant breakout that i get on my face seem to look like psoriasis i was in a car accident like 7 years ago had a head injury and a leg injury x rays were fine a few years later i started to get back pains and numbness in my left extremeties leg and arm also muscle weakness they did an electrothingy test and said i had nerve damage in my arm and carpal tunnel x rays were taken from my leg but were normal pain started getting worse back pains and leg feels like i want to cut it off how bad it hurts started smoking cannabis it helps releive the pain a bit accompanied by percocet .i get head twitches and pain in my left side of my abdomen thought it can be indigeston .my hips also get locked up and i cant walk some times also my left knee i get many muscle spasms all the time in my back neck shoulder and legs, hands are always crampy and i drop things when i grab them sometimes i get achellis tendonitis all the time ,i am always sad i tried to kill my self a while back thank god it didnt happen and it saddens me more to not get an answer from my doctor im so frustrated also my head has been twitching alot behind my ears and my nose bridge i have had 3 c sections that is the only surgery i have had my doctors prescribe motrin and naproxen and it doesnt help any doctors out there that can have a clue on what i may have ? my family health history is Stroke heart conditions high b pressure diabetes osteoporosis arthritis athsma psoriasis eczemza depression

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