Friday, August 12, 2011

Housebreaking and training a jack russell pup, helps, advice and tips please?!?

I got my lil jack russell puppy 2 days ago, she's 8 weeks old and absoblutely gorgeous! But i had been begging for a dog since forever and it hasn't really turned out how i thought it would be, The breeder we got her from told us she was paper trained, at first she had a few accidents, and then a couple of times she got the paper, then she missed the paper, and then she started doing her buisness everywhere! I want to housebreak her, when i take her outside, i don't think she knows that i want her to relieve herself. I've also tried training her, sit, etc. I know i should be patient, but please give me some advice. And please don't tell me she's too young and its only been 2 days, because on all the websites i've looked on it says you should start as soon as they come to your home, otherwise it will become harder and harder. Also jess has also chewed the printer wire, eaten leaves from plants in the house, and she is forever jumping up, She doesn't sleep through the night either whenever i come down in the morning really early at 6am ish she's already awake. Is this because she has naps during the day? I've really fallen in love with her, but i really want to get her basic house trained at the very least, Many thanks :)

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