Thursday, August 11, 2011

I can't swallow and have extreme diarreah. I can't take it anymore. What can I do?

It all started Saturday Evening exactly one week ago. I was drinking heavily the night before and stopped taking my prilosec because I couldn't afford it and wanted to try something more natural for my severe acid reflux. I was taking bananas and zantac 150 twice daily but nothing, not mustard, not tums would take away my acid. It was bad for like two days and I think that is what is causing this but I have been free of acid for a week now. I went back on prilocec and the burn went away the next day. Anyhow I just got out of the ER because I panicked from not being able to swallow my own saliva. The doctor was so mean to me. I dont have insurance so I couldn't just walk out after paying upfront already. He did a barrium swallow (OMG that was the worst ever) but everything came back normal. After that I was almost immedietely getting better at swallowing my liquids again (which is leading me to think it was mental). I have a history of anxiety and overthinking things. Well the hospital visit was days ago and I still can't swallow. I cry everyday because I am litteraly starving all the time and live off fluids. My stomach bloats up everytime I eat one little thing. I have major stomach problems, diarreah all day . I am barely eating solids, most of what I eat is fruit/vegatables that are in a drink like NAKED. I have seen two doctors already and they just keep acting like there is nothing they can do and are very mean and rude to me. I have no more money or insurance and the ER at the county basically told me it's in my head. One other thing that could have started this is that I just recently went to the dentist and had a whole bunch of work done within a week. IT WAS AWFUL. My bottom wisdoms came out and a top major tooth (2nd molar came out). So I was already babying my intake of food. Now today my throat seems like its swollen. I had developed dry socket from the wisdom teeth but I thought it was getting better. Now they seem to hurt again, but not too bad. Does anyone know any excercises I can do to make myself get back to swallowing solids. Its like I forgot and panic. Im freaking out and dont want to take an anibiotic, took them for years for a skin problem and they upset my stomach. I cant even seem to get this probiotic yogurt (soy) down. I am severe lactose intolerant, happened after all the antibiotics. GEEZ I sound like an unhealthy freak, but now I am only concerned about the swallowing. I just want to train my mind to do it without thinking. I cant keep living like this. I have no more money , although I will next week, i was just hoping to get over this myself. P.S. Being the panic freak that I am, please don't answer things like I have esophogeal cancer. The barrium swallow was normal and I would like an endoscopy. Will my regular doctor perform this, does anyone know the cost?

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