Saturday, August 13, 2011

If you asked a man if male authority should be usurped would you agree with him if this was his answer?

This thought process has existed from the beginning of creation. Whether it is parable or history I'm sure that uality played a major role in how Eve persuaded Adam to take of the forbidden fruit. The spirit lives on through Jezebel and her use of manipulation and deceipt in controlling Ahab, and through him ancient Israel. You may feel that you are bold or daring in posting this question, but you are nothing unique or special. The bottom line is this, however, you believe in the natural superiority of the female because you FEEL it. That is the greatest tool satan has, because the human female favors feeling over reason. That is not to say that the human female is incapable of reason, however when faced with a choice between using critical thinking and logical deduction most human females will opt for "trusting their intuition," i.e. they do not wish to be pestered with the facts, but would rather trust their feelings. If a woman wants it, then she believes that it is right. All satan has to do then is fill women with his own wants and desires whenever he senses weakness in a man, and the woman, feeling her desires are right, will pursue it by any means necessary. This is not a sign of natural superiority of the female, but rather it is a fatal flaw that satan in his many manifestations has been taking advantage of since the time woman was created to be man's helpmeet. Satan has taken what was meant to be man's greatest gift, and used it against him. This is not to say men are innocent, as we have a fatal flaw of our own...lust. This is why women have been able to take advantage of their uality, which was meant as a gift for men, and manipulate them, punish them, and steer them wrong with it. Again, this is not a sign of the natural superiority of the female, but a perverse corruption of the female that occurs when she s herself to satan to fulfill her own desire to promote herself and undermine the authority of men. Even men who are able to control their lust have a deep desire to provide for and please their women, thus when women extend their desires beyond what is reasonable men will do the unreasonable to fulfill them. Men would be happy living in mudhuts if they could spend their life in that mud hut with a woman who loved him, honored him, and was pleased to be his woman and a mother to his children. Of course we in "civilized" society know that no woman would settle for this. Remember, Viking women did not really concern themselves with the fact that their men were out and about pillaging, plundering, raping with impunity and burning villages...why? Because they got to fill their homes with the spoils, and adorn themselves with the jewelry that their men tore from the bodies of the women they d (lust again is the human male's weakness, and when wives do not use their uality properly for their own husbands it comes out sideways. The result is we conquer land and fight wars over borders and resources all so that we can build the "wealthiest" nations--i.e. the nations whose men take the most resources and destroy the land so that the women can have "enough" and be satisfied enough that the men get laid. Yet the women are not pleased, and expect more. The phase we're in now is the Jezebel phase, where women are beginning to decide to cast the men aside and do it on their own...things are about to get far, far worse. The planet we live on can not sustain a woman's desires...I would not call that inherent superiority considering the fact that it will, save a few souls if you believe in the rapture and judgement day, destroy our species. Women do hold tremendous power over men, that is true, but to call them inherently superior is absolutely ludicrous considering what their repeated failure to fulfill their roles as loving, grateful wives and nurturing mothers is doing to our ability to sustain the human species. If you believe in the Bible this seems to say that we are heading humankind to eternal damnation...if you believe in Evolution it seems to say that we are heading ourselves towards extinction, with much shorter tenure on Earth than the dinosaurs. The human male and the human female are both to blame, the male for not taking control of the situation and correcting this (mainly because of that constant tingle in our and our fear of "not getting any" if our females are disappointed) and the female for taking advantage of her man's weakness while still expecting him to shield her from her many, many weaknesses instead of being the gift to him that she is supposed to be, and being grateful for the honor of and respecting the dignity of wifehood and motherhood.

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