Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's all just face it the Nba is rigged?

This is not a question this is a fact, the nba is the wwe with a basketball. This sh*t is fake, david stern can decide whoever he wants to win a basketball game. Take notice of a series like the bucks and sixers series in 2001, where ray allen, sam casell and co. where called for numerous touch fouls on allen iverson and the other sixers. Even Ray Allen was saying after that series he knew that the nba was rigged. Another example of this is the seattle supersonics and Phoenix suns in 1993. There were so many phantom fouls on the suns it wasn't even funny, players on the sonics were fouling out left and right . Another case of this was the Mavs-heat series, where dwyane wade shot 97 freethrows in 6 games, im not just saying this becuase im a maverick fan but when the mavs are shooting 49% for the game where the heat only shoot 37% and the heat still win there is a problem. Another example of this is the kings and lakers series in 2001, stay tuned for additional details.

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