Friday, August 12, 2011

Why is marjuana illegal?

So I don't really smoke weed ever but I have before. I can understand why some drugs are illegal but not marijuana! First of all who is the government to say that a natural growing plant should be illegal? I don't understand if alcohol is legal why should weed not be? Weed does not even have to be refined u can just smoke it or eat it. If they put a age limit and no driving while on it that would be completely fine I would understand that. U can die from drinking to much alcohol but not from smoking to much weed at a time. Ya you can get cancer from smoking to much but you can get cancer from sitting out in the sun to much too... Should the gov say we can't sit outside for more that 4 hrs a day? It seems wrong to me that the gov. can say I can't plant this natural growing thing in my yard because they say so. Who are you to tell me that and how dare you try and control every aspect of my life to say I can't grow a certain kind of plant. Since they can tell me what I can and can't grow what is to stop them from saying who can and can't have there own children? I don't know why this is making me so so mad even cause I don't really smoke but seriously who are you to say what I can and cant grow in my yard. Why is there such a strick punishment in the midwest for it? Why do people go to jail for having a small amount. Is there nothing better to do? Arent there worse criminals that should be in jail arent jails over croweded? Take the weed people out and you get more space. I'd like to read about some reasons why people might think i'm wrong I have an open mind. Thanks for your answers guys :D

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