Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wilting Orchid -- Please help!?

If I had to guess without seeing it, it is one of two things, either there is a problem with the root system or the plant got too hot or too cold and the leaves have been damaged from it. Even thoughh it doesn't look like it needs it, I would unpot the plant and take a good look at the roots and see if they are still plump and healthy looking. It never hurts to repot an orchid. If the roots look good then you have to ume something severe happened to the top of the plant to cause the damage. If this is the case and the main growing point survived, you just have to be patient, live with the ugly and wait for it to sprout new leaves. It sounds like the existing leaves are too far gone to ever recover. Remove the flower stems, they are just sapping the plant of energy at this point. If the leaves get to the point that they are rotting, cut them way back. Good luck!

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