Thursday, August 18, 2011

I was on tv on Fox's broadcast of the Packers vs Cowboys game, how can I get that footage?

I checked all the highlights, but they all cut out right before the camera goes to us. I need like the whole game. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can get a copy of it?

Atheists and Christians: a question from the Holy Quran to you?!?

The reason it is not in the bible because it is not relevant to everyday life. Just as the Qu-ran does not mention Jesus as the Son of God, and the Lord and Savior of all mankind. That is what matters to obtain eternal life, and mysteriously the Qu-ran and Muhammad forgot to mention this crucial truth. Romans 10:8-10 is how anyone can be born again.

Homework help please? Highschool?

Break it down. Define each word one at a time, then tackle a section of sentence. It's speaking of racism in Oregon and how the minority population is effecting that problem.

What is a powerful symbol used to reflect light/dark imagery?

I am writing an essay about ignorance and reality found in To Kill a Mockingbird and i want to compare ignorance to darkness and reality to light. what are some objects that I could use to show this in an introductory paragraph?

Please Help me? I miss what used to be with him):?

Alright so I've become super great friends with this guy i met at my high school hes completely amazing and perfect for me in every way. I've been through him liking three girls and its torn me apart yet I've stuck through it. then he likes me. I never realized he liked me until after the fact. And Im also good friends with this other guy but i definitely do not like him. however i think the guy i like thinks i like my friends because my friends always asking for a pencil and saying " I LOVE YOU" or we'll study together in homeroom ( my crush is in my homeroom as well) So now instead of talking to my crush everday all the time and hearing his amazing voice telling me all about his cl and asking how i did on a test and homework and hearing him saying im perfect for him, hes stopped talking to me. i had my friend ( dif friend.. a girl ) ask her friend who is also his friend who he likes. she said hes started to like this other girl. And then the other night i imed him and he barely talked to me he gave me one word answers and then i asked him something he replied yes and then signed off i then realized his status was changed to I'm screwed" ( im thinkin its cause i imed him and he doesnt know how to get over me.. because i know we're perfect for each other.. whatd u think? anyways..) so. did i screw it up.. is there anything i can do to fix it? (btw im really shy so please tell me something a shy person can do)

How much many lbs/kgs could I lose on a 4 week juice fast? or fruit fast.?

dont go just fruit/juice, my body fat was 6% and when i became a vegaterian i lost 10 immediatly. dont eat meat, or junk food, but eat a little bit of bread, oatmeal... and you should lose 15-40 depending on how much you excersise

Do you think there is any truth to these allegations by Jose Canseco...?

that Arod was introduced to known steroid dealers and daliences with his wife? Now Jose says its not an allegation but an accusation, text messages in her phone. How can he continue to spew these allegations if there is no merit to them?

Boy name ideas?

All those names and no one thought of Mason... I have five girls but really like the name James Mason... Gerald Mason sounds good too... Good luck

Is it a bad idea to allow my patio tomato plant wilt prior to watering it?

Tomato plants are water hogs. Don't let them wilt. They want all the water they can get. To decide when to water them, stick your finger into the dirt about 1". If it's dry, they need to be watered, and you might even need to water them twice a day in dry weather.

Why would a literate and/or intelligent person buy The Sun?

Just noticed a post wondering why people think Sun readers are illiterate and it made me laugh! Does anyone actually think The Sun is a news paper? I thought it was just a gossip rag really with a few bits of news to fill up space between the semi-clad bits of stuff.

What is Productivity Paradox?

What is Productivity Paradox? Why should a network yst be concerned with it? What approach can he or she use to solve such a dilemma?

Meldrick"tnt"taylor vs julio cesar chavez 1?

who seen this live?this fight had it all,2 undeafeted greats in there prime,chavez came in the ring 68-0 & meldrick came in 24-0...chavez had defeated great champions like azavache martinez,rocky lockridge,edwin rosario,roger mayweather(twice),j.l.ramirez,alberto mercedes cortez,& many others..taylor was a olympic gold medalist & became a champion after defeating buddy mcgirt..this fight made my mouth water..this was the best match ive ever seen,taylor dominated chavez by points through the whole fight but chavez toughness damaged taylor permanantly..taylors five tip tap punches to chavez's powerful bombs..sadly taylor after that fight was never the same,taylor was in the hospital for more than 2 weeks & he was urinating pure blood & had a great deal of brain is some footage from legendary nights a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who wrote the book The Great Gatsby?

Don't you know how to use google? Not trying to be harsh, but it'd be a lot easier than asking on yahoo. Just type in the title with "by" after it and it should show up in auto finish.

Would you support a proposition against divorce?

Not a chance. That's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The government has already meddled in the personal lives of it's citizens enough.

Why do the Raiders suck.?

Preparation. The Raiders players are never ready to play on Sundays. What are they doing through out the week? Matter of fact what were they doing during the Off season. They need a whole lot of stuff. A coach who understands the modern game of football and who can motivate. A veteran qb to show Jamarcus Russell what it takes to win football games. The two important positions and they lack leadership at both.

Why do we fool kids about Christmas?

why does Society make Santa claus the man of Christmas the presents the center of Christmas,but ye we forget t tell the the true meaning so wait till they grow up let them now That Christmas is all about the birth of Christ and also why does hollywood make Christms movies about being with family only.they nned to put Christ in it more

Normally at what age is Menopause occurs?

menopause age is different for each woman, but as a general rule it it occurs between 45/55. The female ovaries have about 400 plus minus (400 divided by 12 = about 33 years.) eggs at the time of birth. When a female reaches puberty and mensuration starts one egg is matured every month and is released for impregnation. Since the start of mensuration is different for different females so is the start of menopause. The girls who started mensuration early will have earlier menopause and so on. So also the number of eggs also determine the time of menopause.

Who is at war in long beach ca?

what is the war about with the different affiliations and or gangs in the City of long beach CA. Some thing to do with mining? What does David Sims have to do with it anyways?

Who is the better 1st round quarter back?

Stafford. He is a lot more accurate with the ball and has a better arm. Unfortunately being the #1 overall pick means your going to a horrible team. Sanchez was fortunate the Jets did what they did to get him. He walked into a much better team then Stafford.

Bon Jovi fans?

Does anybody know where i can see a video of Bon Jovi's "Undivied"? or any of his videos. or just hear it online without having a credit card? plz leave a link. thanx, all

Question for the Ladies: How can i know if she interested in me? is she? thanks?

after i met this woman at a bar, we exchanged # then we met for drinks to get to know one another better, neither one of us texted that week, til we ran into each other at a bar, it was alittle wierd. then we talked more, then she texted me if i was available to do something friday, i said yea we can. then she texted me a few hrs later askin me if i could make her a copy of a cd that i have if she was to give me $ and cd's. we first got appetizers to eat then we went bowling it was alot of fun after i or she got a strike or spare we high fived which allowed us to hold one another hand for a few secs. after i dropped here off she told me to text her to let her know i got home which i did and she responded back. then we made plans to hang out sunday, she texted me first weds, to see how my week was going, then she texted me today as well and wished me good luck at my soccer game. is that a date or its just 2 ppl hanging out? is she interested in me or just using me? thanks kerry

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to become limber ?

Ok my parents r Te exact opposite of limber and so am I. I want to do kickboxing (once I get a job since I'd have to pay for it myself) I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm woundering if it's genes or if u just have to train ur muscles, I try to stretch now and then but I just never see any improvement so I'm wondering if I'll ever get there.

How do I know if RAM is backwards compatible?

I have 2 PC-5300 (166Mhz) modules but my Processor is only 800MHz FSB, will this cause any conflicts? Shouldn't the RAM operate at a lower speed? Thanks.

Do you hate Brett Favre because his last name is spelled stupid?

Faaahhhh-vrah. I don't care either way, you have to hand it to the guy for playing forever, however, when you say you're done, be done...or don't be done, but don't say you're done, no one likes a whineybitch, especially in a man...amen

What am i meant to do? Do i finish with her?

I'm 15 years old and I'm still going to school. I live with my dad who is Police officer in (CID). My mum died when i was only 3. I'm going out with a girl who I really like. Shes really pretty. We have been wanting to have for a while but we have never really got round to it or done it as she doesn't want to rush things. Just last week, we decided we would go for it. So we wanted to do it somewhere where no-one is around. I said we couldn't do it in my house as my dads always around. He works in CID, but he is always coming in and out of the house. She also lives with her mum and dad.I asked her if she had any ideas of where we could have privacy and she said I could come round to her house and her mum and dad will be out. So thats what i done. On the night i went to her house about 8 o'clock so that we could have till about 10pm together as her mum and dad wouldn't be back about 11(pm). But after about 20 minutes we were both naked and were doing it. We heard the front door go and before I could hide anywhere her dad caught me and her naked. Her mum wasn't there though. It was only her dad. He through me out the house and told me he will kill me if i come anywhere near his daughter. He then through me out the house naked and then he through my clothes out. As i bent down to pick up my clothes he kicked my backside. It was really sore. If it wasn't for his daughter shouting at him and telling him to stop getting so aggressive i dont know what he would have done to me. i then saw my dad's car after i had put my clothes on round the side of one of the neighbours back garden. Someone had obviously phoned him. I then walked out towards his car. He started shouting and saying is it true what you've been up to and your only 15. He said I didn't bring you up to carry on like this. He just kept on shouting and then he said wait till you get home. I had never seen him this angry before. He then pulled the back of my jumper and dragged me into the back of the car and drove me home. When i got home he told me i was to go to my room and i was grounded. I have only been grounded 4 times in my life and he has never been this angry before. I asked him why and i told him that we used protection and he just said do you think that makes it okay. I then went to my room. After being in my room 10 minutes I then walked out and said I'm going to see my girlfriend. We have got a right to do what we like. He said if you dare leave this house i will. Next thing I new i was back in my bed room. I was handcuffed to the bed. He has never used handcuffs on me before in my life. I was lying on the bed a long time, all i could think about was is this what he does to people everyday when he goes to his work. He came into my bedroom and i begged him to uncuff me, but he didn't say anything, he just took my Laptop,tv,ps3,computer games and everything out of my room. He then went into my pocket as i was lying on the bed and took my phone out. After another about three hours my grandfather came into my bedroom. My grandfather lives about a good hour drive away from where we live so my dad obviously contacted him. He came into my bedroom and sat down on a chair next to me. I asked him to take the cuffs off of me. He started going on about how i can't go around doing what i want and how I've to respect adults. He then says that my dads been to soft on me and letting me get away with to much. He said to me do you know whats going to happen now. I asked him what he was talking about. He said to me when i was your age and if i had done what you have done i would have had my pants down and got the belt. I've told your dad to give you the belt when you were younger, but he was to soft on you. Then he said i've told your dad to give you it now. I told him that i was told old and that he can't use his belt. But my granddad didn't listen. My dad then came into the room and said to me that he was going to take the cuffs off and he told me that i was going to bend over the chair in my bedroom. I said that i would do it. He took the handcuffs off and then i ran for it, my dad then caught me and he had my arms in a position where i could move. He puled me back to the bed. He put the cuffs on me and he said why did you have to be smart. My face was in my pillows and he had the handcuffs on me really tight. I started saying to him i will report you and you will loose you job. He just said you do what you like, just remember i'm a police officer and i'm your dad. I couldn't believe what he was doing. He then loosened my trousers and he then pulled my boxers off. He started saying you going to respect me from now on and your not going to be doing what you want. He hit me with his belt about 20 times and hit me with the buckle about 5 times. My backside was killing me and i was really upset. I looked in the mirror and my backside was all bruised. I was bright red and it had some black and blue marks on it. My grandfather had left by now. My father took th

Fairness between boys and girls?

My 7 year old son and my soon to be ex's 7 year old daughter (they are 3 weeks apart) both got a hold of spray paint and decided to spray paint bits and peices of an old truck in our yard, well, My boyfriend was out raged I ended up my 7 year old on the and put him to bed at 8:00pm for punishment, My step daughter got absolutly no punishment for her part and even got to stay the night with her cousin, my boyfriend said but she is just a little girl, Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?

Advice on my Axolotl Aquarium...?

20 gallons 1/3 cup of salt, i think not bad, why would she say salt is not good, salt cure disease, easier for fishes to breathe, and kills bacteria. With aquarium salt, your fish is less likely to swin up side down.

Can you buy a house under a business name?

My friend and I are thinking about starting a real estate business. He however does not have the credit to be put on the home loan. Can we use a business name for the purchase or does each individual signer need to sign?

If I grabbed your cellphone and wedged it tightly between Rosie O'Donnell's cheeks, would you go get it?

Or just leave it be and buy a new one? Don't think it couldn't happen either. It's good to think about and plan for these things BEFORE they happen.

How do I label my sources?

I have to do a research essay and I have found my sources but I do not know how to place them on the essay. An example of what I did. "The army of Colombia is one of the largest in South America (Source: Geography Section called Military)" my professor said the way I labled it was wrong how should I Label it?

Music suggestions?????

Take greendays early albums out of ur collection, if 21st century breakdown's in it leave it in. Pour petrol over it and set it alight. These bands destroyed a kicka** style of music. Check out Pennywise, Bad religion, Nofx, Rancid etc...

Last post misunderstood?

i think your cervix has to be favourable for a dr to get in there to do a membrane sweep but dr dont usually induce befor 39 weeks now days unless there is proper medical problems to baby or mother maybe she is just trying to calm you

Blackberry 8800 OR iphone?

omg im so undecided on wich phone i want and im only (14) years old and i want to know which phone would be better for a 14 year old and being that this is going to be my first phone ever i want to pick the right one and i dont want to have any regrets after wards HUH please HLP ME im going to be getting it for christmas and thats only 4 days away

I need Career advice on opening a boutique and event planning !?

I need guidance with my career choice, I am majoring in Communications - PR - Event planning. I don't have a minor yet, but I really want to open up my own Boutique. Thing is I can't think of a way to tie in a clothing boutique with event planning. I need ideas and options. Time is wining down and I seriously need a PLAN! OK, I want this boutique to be very fashionable but with middle cl prices, I want it to be very catchy and elegant , CLY! I plan to live in ATL and want to open up there, only thing is I want to incorporate event planning into this Boutique. I thought about making it an event planning boutique, but that would be weird if i sold clothing with like event planning, or would it? The type of event planning I would like to do is pretty much WEDDINGS & PARTIES. I don't want to sell wedding dresses or wedding things though. that's boring. I want to sell trendy clothes! WHat can I do to have two in one but make them go together???? And what should I make my minor and what do I need in order to open up a boutique.

Is Obamanomics the opposite of Reaganomics?

Each crisis demands its own strategy. Crisis are cyclical, every 8 or 10 years the economy pes through a shock and readjustment. For instance, do you remember the digital bubble? However, the last two crisis had an artificial make-up. The companies pretended to be healthy but they were rotten. One can't deceive all the time, and banks had to admit they were broken, after a period of misdoings, giving credit to every person who wanted a new home. Of course, this generated a carnival of bad credits, people speculating with this market flaw. What Obama is doing should have been done eons ago, he is regulating the credit and making declarations more transparent to tax payers. This is not a left or right strategy, is tactics of war. Times under Reagan were much different. Remember he approached Russia and China, and the press never imagined he'd be a communist or even a "pink". In my country, Brazil, as we say, the government "fastened the belts", making credit only available for those who could afford. Economy this way goes slower but much more secure. Down here you must prove the bank you don't really need the money until they approve your credit. Of course, also in Brazil "belts are being loosen". Lula cut many taxes in fields that started to sink. But we'll be starting to recover in three or four months. USA will be stable around December. Right now it's a matter of panic. Don't worry, the Western world will survive, and soon we'll be talking about the old Israel-Palestine-Iran-Iraq affair. Write down this: we'll have a new conflict involving Iraq and Iran. I hope this time USA let them kill each other in "peace".

Why are U.S.A's 34% of American kids overweight and 17% obese?

In 1976 obesity was 5%,every year after that disease has climbed higher.I got my statistic facts on WWW,MERCURYNEWS.COM 8/27/10.

Media Release from the Australian Environment Foundation... your opinions?

Well, if Cap and Tax is to become the law of the US, at least we know where we can emigrate to. I hope the Aussies can handle the traffic.

Did Heilman & the Mets wait until Los was out to plunk Aramis Ramirez?

Good for you! I went to yesterdays mets phillies game in phillly(i was visiting colleges for my sister) ANYWAY back to the question: they probably dont go togehter but maybe they dont want zambrano to go high and in on em'

Would depotted NYX trios fit into MAC eyeshadow palettes?

They do fit but you will need to find some sort of adhesive to get them to stay in the palettes. Getting the NYX trios out of their containers is super tricky since the metal they are pressed into is very weak and thin. Be sure to take your time with them.

Why does the Y chromosome not recombine in meiosis?

There are no true logues to the Y chromosome. The X and Y are only minimally logous with each other, since the X chromosome has almost no -determination genes and the Y chromosome is virtually ALL -determination genes.

Fading trends in the FoodService/Hospitality industry?

I need to know a facing trend, dead trnd, or a trnd that might become absolete in the FoodService/ Hospitality industry. I only have 1 idea, the Atkins Diet Menus in chain restaurants. You don't see those anymore since not many people follow the atkins diet anymore. Can you think of any?

What can be wrong with me?

Hello i know this isnt reliable medical advise but hey lets see ! I am a 400 lbs 29 year old i have hypertension athsma carpal tunnel syndrome depression bipolar disorder and a persistant breakout that i get on my face seem to look like psoriasis i was in a car accident like 7 years ago had a head injury and a leg injury x rays were fine a few years later i started to get back pains and numbness in my left extremeties leg and arm also muscle weakness they did an electrothingy test and said i had nerve damage in my arm and carpal tunnel x rays were taken from my leg but were normal pain started getting worse back pains and leg feels like i want to cut it off how bad it hurts started smoking cannabis it helps releive the pain a bit accompanied by percocet .i get head twitches and pain in my left side of my abdomen thought it can be indigeston .my hips also get locked up and i cant walk some times also my left knee i get many muscle spasms all the time in my back neck shoulder and legs, hands are always crampy and i drop things when i grab them sometimes i get achellis tendonitis all the time ,i am always sad i tried to kill my self a while back thank god it didnt happen and it saddens me more to not get an answer from my doctor im so frustrated also my head has been twitching alot behind my ears and my nose bridge i have had 3 c sections that is the only surgery i have had my doctors prescribe motrin and naproxen and it doesnt help any doctors out there that can have a clue on what i may have ? my family health history is Stroke heart conditions high b pressure diabetes osteoporosis arthritis athsma psoriasis eczemza depression

What are your thoughts on these books?

You have exquisite reading taste and a definite yen for fine literature...with the exception of ella minnow pea and the time traveler's wife, I, too, have read all of these and enjoyed them immensely...I must add In Cold Blood, Of Human , Ethan Frome and the Sebold bio, Lucky to your list...they too are favorites of mine and I recommend them to you. Dunces is touching for me because the guy who wrote it suicided over it...and the Eggers book just about broke my heart. Gatsby is Fitzgerald's best for me. I am surprised that Catcher did not make your list tho Zooey did...It is a lovely trip down memory lane seeing all those titles together...Thanks.

Is he attracted to me or not?

I have a huge crush on my one of my guy friends. He comes over and talks to me , teases me etc..but he never hugs me or mages me like he does with all his other platonic girl friends. He wont even hold my hand! But he will brush his leg against mine when we are sitting near each other and he will stand right next to me brushing aginst me or leaning against me when we are in a group setting. he attracted to me or not. And if is why is so careful about not hugging/maging my shoulders?

What would make the rear brake drum come loose with all the part there?

I replaced the rear bearings, washer, nut, the nut cover, the stub rear seal, and cotter pin. Well the nut keeps coming loose that holds the rear drum on. Would you happen to know why and explain how to fix it. It is a 92 Plymouth Acclaim.

Pre-Calculus Problem?

I need help with how to solve this question. I need to use Ax=Ae^rt the continuous growth/decay formula. The half life of carbon-14 is 5700 years. A fossil is found with 33% of it radioactive nuclei left. How old is the fossil?

Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt?

I think Dicaprio is the better actor. I like Brad Pitt too though. It's hard to choose. What's your opinion?

Piaggio Typhoon 50 problem?

you need to up jet it mate ..thats why it cuts out when u put a pipe and air filter on it u have to upjet it

Can I use distilled white vinegar to sour milk instead of cider vinegar?

I am making a recipe that calls for sour milk, made by mixing 1.3 c milk with 1T+1t cider vinegar. Can I just use distilled white instead?

What is the difference between a palestinian, egyptian, lebanese, saudi arabia,syrian,jordan?

according to my small knowledge all of them are arabic speakers.. I don't know if they mixed the arabic language with the oldest languages like aramaic, egyptian, summerian, hebrew I don't know another old language of mesopotamia.. I miss to mention Iraq, Iran where it's spoken the persian and its relation with arabic language.

New Diet, looking for cooking ideas?

Due to a recent illness Ive been advised to avoid Red Meat/Poulty/Pork, Fats, Processed/canned and refined food, Beans, Wheat/Gluten and Dairy. Im a culinary arts graduate, so complicated recipes dont bother me, but im looking for good ideas for meals for myself. My diet allows Tofu/Gluten-free pasta+bread/Seafood +Shell fish/ and mushrooms as a main source of protein, many organic fruits and vegetables and rice and sweet potatoes as a starch. Any Vegetarians/Vegans have any tips for me? Please realise that this was not a choice for me to be meatfree but a medical reccomendation due to an illness I have-and so far since ive started this diet ive been almost pain free.

Weed, Over masturbation, Depression, Psychosis?

Boy you worry too much. Stop smokin the weed (seems like you are doing pretty good lately). It sounds like you have depression. Probably cause you worry too much. As for the "over masturbation" don't worry about it. Different people have different drives and as a youngster I always had my pud in my hand. It doesn't hurt anything, It is natural, and enjoyable but don't feel bad about doing it (just don't get caught). If the symptoms of depression don't get better you should speak to your doctor. Lighten up and enjoy life.

Jamal lewis for larry fitzgerald?

absolutely not. you do need a lot of help at rb and you are stacked at WR but i would trade cj, henry or harrison or you should get a better rb. cle is a p first p second run third offense and lewis is a touchdown vulcher at best. he won't break any long runs b/c he doesn't have the speed. try and get someone with more yards.

What does a mountain lion's "chirp" or "cackle" mean?

I would guess it's similar to hunting frustration noises. I know this is for house cats, but it might help: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Need to p nys inspection?

I need to p nys inspection I am going to redo floor pans with sheet metal since i have an 87 mk2 gti and they do not currently sell floor pans for my car. I am putting in new solid motor mounts, have brand new battery, will have e-brake setup, and I am getting new tires. have no problems with suspension, i was just wondering what is really looked for in a inspection? and also obviously I shouldnt bring my car to a regular shop to get it inspected cause theyll nit-pick every little thing wrong with it. where do you guys suggest I get it inspected?

How to recover from a deep betrayal from a close friend?

Forget her. Try and move on. I know its tough but try. My best friend in high school slept with my boyfriend of 4 years. When I think about her I want to beat the shite out of her. But that's unhealthy. Just try and be the stronger person. Obviously she wasn't a real friend and shes not worth your time!

What do you see of Phillip Hughes future?

It's just the beginning of the huge rigor international cricket demands these days. He has many areas in his batting to either on up or improve like short pitched deliveries, leg side strokes etc. He is however temparamentally suitable... not a loser as I see him.... I believe he 'is' the future of Aussie opening batting in all the three formats of the game.

Sarah Dessen Lovers...?

I have heard of her, I am a big giant sucker for romance, that is the only romance in my life are romance books:D I like her, but she is not my favorite. I love keri arthur.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Education in Australia...(need some clarification)?

Do I need work experience of 2 years working if i want to apply for MBA (Masters in Business Administration) at Australian National University? Even if i am paying for my studies and don't expect a scholarship from the University. I have done my BBA (Bachelors Business Administration) from bangladesh.

I'm beginning a new book and am just wondering if i'm on the right track or if it contains any major errors?

Remember, the first draft of your book is only a draft. If you're committed to it and finish writing it, it will be changed, edited, and worked through many more times.

The song from the movie Australia?

The one called The Drover's Ballad sung by Elton John, does anyone know what album this maybe on? I cant even find the Australia soundtrack so wasnt sure if it was on an Elton John album. Really want this song.

Question for all you skaters out there?

Check it out dude. The ollie is all about your foot placement, weight distribution and timing. First get your feet set up so that your comfortable and have complete balance. Next work on your timing, you gotta find that perfect time that after you pop, you slide, and bring your feet up to your body that allows the board to follow. Lean back a tiny bit when you go for the pop and after you pop you should slide your foot forward just as your also bringing your body over the board to level everything out. Just practice your timing dude and you should have it in no time.

Girls how strange is he?

Only strange in so much as most men that age or any for that matter don't demonstrate that kind of affection in public. I love horses, he sounds cool to me, if he was doing anything untoward to the horse there would be signs.

What can be a catchy magazine add slogan to encourage teenagers to reduce their ecological footprint?

I need a slogan for my magazine ad. The ad needs to encourage teens to reduce their ecological footprint. An example I can't use is "Be cool. Carpool."

A pendulum swings to-and-fro two times per Second. the period of vibration is?

The period would actually be -half a second- since it completes two cycles in one second. Period (T) is not measured in Hz, it is measured in seconds. You can convert T into Hz, which means that it has a frequency of 0.5 Hz.

I am dumbfounded!!! 5 people saw the same thing in the sky! Are we all nutty!?

OMG!!! I, my grandmother, great grandmother, and mother were eating at a restaurant in St. Augustine, FL ,yes, where the famous Ghost Hunters lighthouse footage was taken! LOL We live right near there and I saw it first. A cloud in the sky that was almost the whole visible sky, and it was a perfect house. It looked like the White House or the house from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. With 2 huge, perfect Greek looking columns on it! I said do u see that mom, she said omg! Then my ggma and gma looked and said omg I cant believe it, its a house. I didnt say what I saw at first, and they saw the same thing! The waitress came with our drinks and we said, feeling pretty stupid,can you do us a favor and look at the sky and tell us what you see?, and she said holy moly, it's a huge house in the clouds! I am a somewhat of a believer in aliens, and what the government would call a "conspiracy theorist" but it was the most awesome thing i have ever seen and probably ever will! I know 4 people and a stranger didn't imagine this gigantic house made of clouds!!! It is just bothering the heck outta me, wondering.........was that a sign, were we all tripping on some food, I just dont know! Thoughts anyone???

What can I do to make hereditary hooded eyelids less noticeable?

What tips can I do to make the hooded eyelids less noticeable, and what colour eye shadow would go with green eyes?

Does'nt "random" mean "random", Manny Pacquiao fans?

This is just a battle of egos. Pacman doesn't have problem with the blood tests, but he's got a problem that it's Floyd whose demanding for it. Pacman would agree to the blood tests if it was the Nevada State comm. that asked for the test, but since its floyd asking for it, he aint doing it just to show that he won't let Floyd have his way on him even on the smallest things.

Can you write off a tax deduction if you buy an ad in the program of a nonprofit sports organization?

A local roller derby league, which is a nonprofit, is selling ad space in their game programs. Is this considered a donation, meaning it can be a tax write off?

Are these accurate projected stats for Matthew Stafford and Mark Sanchez?

I say no b/c idk if stafford will ever live up to potential and sanchez will be more or a jake delhomme type player so idk

I just got my cat neutered and hes making a weird noise?

my cat just got neutered today. he hasnt really eaten or drank anything. i noticed hes making this weird noise it kinda sounds like growling/being congested is that normal??? and he just sleeping a lot.

If your a woman please answer?

I would think your pregnant but if everything is negative it could be something else, which your doctor should do labs and ysis in other ideas that you or your doc mate have that mate be provoking you to be these way, Once i herd a story of a women who was pregnant but everything showed negative even on her first ultrasound because the baby was in between her fallopian tubes, idk if these is your case, but hopefully soon you'll find out what is whats wrong, hope you get better.

What do you think about John Cena vs JBL's feud in 2008?

The Feud That They Should Of Had In 2005. After Wrestlemania They Should Of Had The New York Street Fight Match Instead Of At The Bash.

A conductor who arranged much of Bach's music for modern orchestra is____?

I have some recordings of Sir Neville Mariner with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. Orchestral arrangements of "Musical Offering" and "The Art of Fugue." Very good stuff.

I think I might have some kind of skin disease.?

you should really stay as far away from everyone as possible. i believe this may be contagious thru the interent and telephone. you should not use either

Is Guild Wars only about players battling each other?

Guild Wars is just another typical MMORPG like World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic, Lord of the Rings Online, and others.

Why Obama doesn't support Joe the Plumber, but McCain does?

Businesses hire and pay employees. If you tax businesses, they have less money for raises. It is important for us to realize that we can not bite the hand of our employer. That is why building the economy from the bottom up presents problems. You first have to hired by a successful company. What good does it do to give poor people money if they can not find a job due to taxing businesses heavily? It is important to study economics at a University and actually learn the material or study from a non-biased book.

What's your opinion? Any suggestions?

You know what your problem is? You are looking for problems within yourself, don't do that, just loosen the hell up dude, you are 16 years old have some fun while you are still young, why do you waste your time on such meaningless thoughts? Therapy at 16 .... wow, you need to chill out kid, listen to some nice music, go out with your friends and HAVE FUN

How does smoking cigs affect bronchitis?

my bf has bronchitis and he smokes cigs, what is this going to do to him? like is it going to make it worse? and if so, how much worse?

Samuari Jack Techno Rave?

I was recently watching Samuari Jack and it was an episode that Aku hypnotized all the teens of a town with this rave techno beat. Did that song have a name or was it just one of those background songs?

Isn't Hilliary claiming President Bush 'duped' her into voting to liberate Iraq show she isn't a leader?

Alot of people have duped Hillary including her husband! While he was using cigars for toys she thought he was being a president! LOL!

How old was leonardo dicaprio in the 1996 version of romeo and juliet?

He was actually 20 when they filmed it. I read a article they said he was 20 and Claire was 16 when the movie was filmed. He was still considered a kid. The movie was shot a little after the Quick and the Dead.

Help.....SCHOOL MASCOT?!?!?

k im a soph. at my h.s , & my friend and i were at a rally n she commented me that i should me the schools mascot for my Jr. year , because im really outgoing and random, & so i can also get "reconized" at school,.. because im an "outcast" to everyone else and it would give me an opportunity 2 get into the "quad" ( group, my peers), and it sounds like a good idea, but i dnt know what are the requierments i need to be one, i.e, GPA,cles,idk,etc.,. so if you can PLEASE help me or just simply give me your opinion in what i should do, well, thank you in advance for reading and answering =]

My mother is 75, gets social security, and is bipolar and disabled. Would she be able to get more istance?

I'm thinking in particular about disability. She is disabled, both mentally and physically, but we have not applied for any other istance, other than medicaid. If she applies for disability through social security, could she get some monetary istance? She has no income other than a very small social security check. I help her as much as I can but it has become too big of a financial burden for me to carry any longer. How do I find out what is available to help her?

Hi! Does anybody know any gothic piano solos?

If whomever your playing this for is into Beethoven, I can't recommend "Stjarna" enough to you, by Depeche Mode. It's a b-side to their single for Little 15, and I found it had a similar sound to Beethoven's Pathetique. But Stjarna actually has a bit of a sinister bent to it.

My son fell off the couch, please help!?

first watch the affected area carefully for any abrasion or swelling .if nothing is there and baby is fine then no need to worry.if there is any abrasion then take aseptic precaution like applying dettol,if there is swelling you have to be careful and medical attention is needed.give special precaution if there is head injury.but dont worry my seven month baby falls frequently while trying to stand up

Quiet boy stares at me but doesn't talk?

He sounds very shy. Nothing wrong with that!! Next time say a little more than "sorry" to him. He probably wants very much to talk with you but is afraid to really approach you. Meet with him in the company of your friends - that should be safe.

Ladies Read This. Guys Do u Agree.?

amazin�tips i m a girl and that helped a LOT thanks don�t worry u�ll find the right girl the way u think is amazin�keep searchin�

How do you find the connotation of a word?

the connotations of bloody hands is murderer. We still use the phrase "you have blood on your hands" to say someone has killed another.

How it add a second moderator?

we have a group the original owner is no longer in are group. how do I add someone as a owner / moderator.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is the music I like weird or cool?

I love songs godsmack breaking benjamin evanescence avril lavigne nickelback seether kelly clarkson and rihanna. What do you think about my favorite singers?

He texts me first, then doesn't reply?

Stay away from him. If you have yet to establish anything serious with one another don't talk about anything remotely ual. He sounds like a d-bag and obviously isn't putting you first like someone who is genuinely interested would. I've dealt with a similar situation; he didn't act like that but wanted to discuss those things...he was obviously a stay away. If you haven't had a date yet then he is obviously only interested in one thing. Dump him and move onto the next guy....and although the thought that he may be busy is relevant, if someone really likes you they will make the effort.

Breeding ques: my betta hasn't built a bubble nest yet?

well your male might be un age for breeding. Is he 6-12 month old? If he is (and the female is in that range too and is smaller) than release the female once she is ready. Sometimes males being blowing their nest;s during breeding (althought its very rare) ( but it could be ur pair)

Ramadan: Do you know anything about Bibi Hajara (Hagar) (as)?

please follow this link ;a href="" rel="nofollow"

Would it be grammatically correct to use the word "ozones" as a plural form in English?

Nops..the word ozone cannot be used in plural ever!!Btw I cnt remember a rule in English That states noncount nouns can take a plural form when used in a countable sense.That's jst wrong!!

What is it called in literature when a character talks to an inanimate thing as if it is real?

Please help! This device is used in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar several times, such as when Mark Antony says, "Mischief, thou art afoot. Take whatever course thou wilt" (he is addressing mischief as if it is a living thing).

Which one is better and faster limewire or ares?

neither...try mp3's way better than both and it's free and has blazing download speeds...cheers

Need a personal loan - have no credit?

As surprising as it could be, you do have credit. Its maybe low...but you do have one. Even if you dont have credit you can get a loan. I got one with NO credit cause i'm new in US from Westlake Financial, Los Angeles, CA, but be advised: they charged me 30% of annual interest because I had no credit.

Help!! I can't stop pooping!!?

I've been eating multiple servings of All-Bran cereal from Kellogs and I keep on having to take a poo/dump every like 10 minutes!! What can I do to reverse this??

Anyone from Seoul?? is Coex is good hotel to stay?

shopping & i afraid of cold....dun wanna go outdoor much. is there really a hugh mall attached w/ the intercon coex hotel??? convenience?? good local restaurant aside?

How to crochet zig zag?

I need help crochet a zig zag pattern. I need a video to watch online to get it right. I tried reading the steps online and it is just confusing. Thanks!

Nfl injury report question. does a poor job of giving an all inclusive injury report. what's another..

...web site that will tell me of all the players who are on ir, out, questionable, and probable. i need a site, OTHER THAN NFL.COM, that tells me the most current status of players who were injured this week, several weeks ago, and even back to week 1. i'm specifically interested in indy-hou. , wash.-minn. , kc-det. , and clev.-cinn.


If you know right diet information you can lose weight. I did the program at this site and I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. It is very easy to lose weight. You can get my diet program that lost me 20 pounds in 35 days at link below.

When I die should I bury myself with all my possessions?

Archaeologist has exsumed the bodies of Egyption mummies & artifacts for hundred's of year's now. None of these pieces of artifacts seem to be touched through the year's. The soul's of these mummies corpses did not seem to have any use for them. But if you want to be buried with your television & your DVD player, That is your decision. But I think it would be a waste & your surviving family member's would enjoy them better then being buried in 6 feet of dirt. (I wonder if you can get cable?)


That's cuz Perez is soo up Lady gaga's all the time.He posted a Preview of Lady gaga's Video and didn't say anything about it being like Madonna.While With Christina he's all like she copied Lady gaga.He's such a hyprocrite.Not to long ago he invited Christina to perform at his Birthday and now he's bashing her in every single post he makes about her.

Watson fc 130 frequency counter help?

If you overdrive the input of the counter you can cause images. In that case you could try moving the counter away from the transmitter. If you are simply overdriving the input the images will go away when the counter is far enough not to be overdriven. However, your transmitters may be putting out spurious signals. It's not uncommon. Do you have any kind of filtering on them? Do you have a proper load on them when you check them. If you use a dummy load, the counter may still be able to pick up the transmitter and will probably not be overloaded. If the spurs are still there the transmitter is bad. Don't hook the transmitter up to the counter unless the counter is rated to take the power level the transmitter puts out. You need to use the proper impedance coax cable to connect them.

My teacher is a pervert?

dude!!! tell everybody!!!!! well not literally but tell the principle and ur parents and the police this woman needs to be in jail asap! and dont be scared u should be happy she'll be locked away from other kids like u. u will do a good thing to tell some1

I have just bought a 1998 bmw 520i?

Hi i had a beamer, the light just comes on when you are doing a bit of spirited driving its a safety thing, do not worry , just dont go round corners very fast well you can but do it safely . Im not an expert so just get it checked . Lucky you for having a beamer . x

Sunday, August 14, 2011

File wih 3gp extension?

I have made sm videos from my mobile they hv the extension 3gp and windows media player cannot play the file ,tried to download a 3gp player also bt nt working please anybdy either tll the link or the site where i can ind either the convertr or the player

What commercial REALLY annoys you?

Yes, the Progressive commercials with Flo are the worst lately. They are not funny, cute, or really anything they are obviously trying to be (maybe a tad bit clever). If someone like flo was trying to sell me something I would say "I would prefer to speak to another sales rep." I may just walk away if I was in a store. Those commercials cause me not to ever want to use Progressive.

People in interracial relationships...?

girl!!! i agree wit you!!!!! when it comes to lovin DOESN'T AND SHOULDN'T matter what the look like or where they come long as there's love there's nothing wrong wit that!!!! if they're doin that to you then speak your mind and tell 'em off!!!!! love comes in ALL VARIETIES!!!! and good for you that you're not like them!!!! AMEN!!!!! LOVE YOUR MAN GIRL!!!! LOL :D

If the Badgers win this week is there anyway Ohio State can overtake them in the BCS standings?

I guess it's possible but considering both the Badger's and OSU's opponent have the same record it's highly unlikely. Also, Wisconsin beat Ohio State earlier this year so we already know Wisconsin is the better team.

I want to know how alcohol was used in the production of Gun powder?

During the Middle Ages, distilled liquor was used mainly for medicinal purposes, as well as being an ingredient in the production of gunpowder. In

Computer power supply help?

You could put another power unit in, but it won't sort out your graphics, that needs a separate graphics card.

Can you help me with chemistry problem?

For the reaction So3 + H2O ----> H2SO4 how many grams of sulfur trioxide are required to produce 4.00 mol of sulfuric acid

Sanchez family history?

I just recently went to a family reunion and learned about some of my sanchez family. It dated back to 1714 when jose sanchez de ortigosa came to Florida from spain. It is said that the Solana and Sanchez families were two of the oldest in Florida. It was really neat to learn about my family. I was wondering if there was anyone who is related or descends from this line. It would be neat to know more of my family.

Help me. Atheist in religious school.... SUX i know?

I have a number of atheist friends who are religion professors. They study religion like a biologist studies a cellular membrane. They are in fact social anthropologists more than anything else. I suggest approaching your religious studies in the same way as it is culturally an important topic, and understanding the religious impulse and delusion will help you understand humanity in a fuller context. Knowledge, even knowledge about superstition, is almost always usefule sooner or later. Don't debate at this point. Simply acquire information, yze it critically, formulate your responses and save it for later when you control your own destiny.

Is it illegal to drive with headphones in your ears?

I know that in some of the states in the USA driving with headphones is illegal. Minnesota for instance has laws against driving with headphones in because, just like you said, you can't hear police officers or other emergency vehicles.

Which plan is better for solving a past unrequited love and mistreatment? only serious answers please..?

Didn't we answer this already? Just move on and forget about the revenge. Find someone you truly love who truly loves you. Why waste your time living in the past?

Is there a CD you have twice or more in your CD collection?

I have 2 cds of Iron Maidens Number of the Beast.I listened to the first one so much that I bought a second one.

Do you like my team??

qb's big ben and leinart rb's rudy,fast willie,portis and jones-drew wr's fitzgerald,driver,drew bennett,chambers and burress te mcmichael k stover def steelers and jaguars

How can I ease my son off his pacifier?

My son Etai is 16 months old and he is addicted to his pacifier. If he sees it he aks for it and crys until you give it to him. His teachers at his pre-school say that if he see's it in his cubby he crys for it until he gets it. I want to slowly ease him off it and keep it for naptime and bedtime until he's 2 years old.Any suggestions?

I cant log on to facebook..someone help please...?

a lot of people are having the facebook problem...just X out and retype you email adress and pword hopefully that will work

Who thinks Allison Iraheta should be the Queen of rock and Adam Lambert should be the king of rock?

Who thinks Allison Iraheta should be the queen of rock and Adam Lambert should be the king of rock they are from American Idol and i got to meet both of them on their tour in Vancouver BC at GM place and Allison was so nice and i got to get a picture of her and me and i got to play with her hair we were talking and laughing but i only got to say hi to Adam because he was getting mauled he was the most popular but i got his auto graph and Allison's auto graph and Anoop's and Danny's and Michael's and Kris's i got pictures of them to and Adam and Allison did a duet slow ride and Allison kicked a bra on stage and Adam picked it up and he was swinging it around and it landed in the audience and Danny took off his coat and it landed in the audience my favorites are Allison and Adam! here is the link to see the duet on you tube from Vancouver here it is a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My Pitbull attacked me... PLEASE HELP i dont know what to do.?

I have a 3 year old Pit-bull and I need help. About 3 weeks ago he attacked my mom's dog and I broke up the fight; my moms chihuahua was not hurt because I grabbed him from my dogs mouth before damage was done. The tension between the two is known and for that reason we separate them on different levels in my house, some how my moms dog wonder down which prompted the fight. Long story short I know my Pit is dog aggressive and really only likes my boyfriends Pit. I can deal with all this, but he just recently took his aggression to a whole new level and attacked me a few days go. By attack I mean he growled, lunged and pushed me down ( i was sitting on the floor) for no reason. He didn't bite me, but since this happen I have become scared of him. I feel like he gets this stare in his eyes the past few days and he is just acting very different. I don't know if he senses my fear for him now or what. I am so lost as to what to do! This is tearing me apart because i love this dog so much and just 3 weeks ago before all this happened he was my little snuggle bug and i trusted him with my life 100%. What do i do? How do i help this situation? How do i begin to fix this situation if I'm now scared of him? Please, there is noting more i want to do than to hug him and be normal.

Crush on the student-teacher....?

I'm 17, he's 21. We're both incredibly nerdy and oh my god he's so smart. My heart starts pounding whenever I see him and I love the comments he writes on my papers and holy **** I think I love him. I just reread what I wrote now and I sound like a stupid infatuated teenager but damn I can't explain it. We like a lot of the same books and we totally geek out over motifs in novels. I don't know if he is at all interested in me, but he definitely praises me quite a bit. We had to do this thing in cl where we found quotes from the novel we're reading that represented the theme and when I presented mine he was like "Yes, yes, perfect!" and, well, you can guess how it sounded. Please give me some advice on what I should do. I'm a pretty bold girl, but I'd be too intimidated to flirt with a teacher (even a student one) and I know I could get us in trouble. Please help me, I feel so odd about this. Guys my age just don't act like I do, or like the same things. Thank you.

Rate my fantasy football team?

Its pretty good because of LT and McGahee, but other than that your team pretty much sucks. QB's are terrible Evans is pretty good he'll have a solid year, Gonzalez is just gettting old Andre Johnson would be good but he doesn't have anybody to throw him the ball. I would say out of 10 in a 12 man league your team is a 6.5 just because of LT, McGahee, and Benson uming you can start all 3.

Poll: Ewww is this real or photo shopped?

a href=",r:9,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will Tracy McGrady get traded in the off season if Houston get p the first round?

I was watching the Houston Portland series and I think if Houston get p the first round I think Tmac will definitively get traded.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I am my son's Pacifier?

I was hoping someone would have some advice on how to get my five month old son to take a pacifier. Currently, he will only use me. He used to take the paci or a bottle fine, but now he wants nothing to do with them, and sometimes mama just needs a break. He's starting to teeth, and the only thing that calms him down lately is nursing. Mostly I just give in, but does anyone have any tips on getting him to take a pacifier?

Did any one listen to the 97.9 the beat.. Cu z i need help wit with this commercal i heard?

It was a commercial today saying that there was a talent search some where does anyone remember at. I a try to remember but i cant i wish i wasn't so far from home when i heard it... i want to be a singer and every time i had a change my mom would never let me do it and now she final Say's yes and i cant remember..plz hlp i don't want another chance p me bye.

Does the atkins diet require you to count net carbs or do you have to count dietary fiber carbs as well?

Also, I have not lost any weight yet in four days on the diet and am only in the "small" range on the ketosis test strip, any suggestions for getting myself losing weight quickly?

About fish tank water conditioner.?

I'm going to put goldfish in a new bowl today, when I put the water in do I leave the conditioner (it's tetra aqua safe)in the tank with the water the fish will be in of do I fill the tank with water and the conditioner, then dump it and put new water for my fish in there?

What do I do about these vines overtaking my garden?

I noticed these beautiful white flowers popping up in my garden. Then I noticed that they are from these vines that are trying to strangle my other flowers! It is insanity! I can't even tell where it's origin in the garden is. Is there a way I can keep it in control b/c I really like those white flowers as well?!?

Long term effects of birth control pills?

I have been on birth control pills for almost 10 years. I started them when I was 12 because of endometriosis. I take orth-cyclen which is a one-dose pill. I tried a 3dose pill (ortho-tri-cyclen-lo) because the doctors told me that the lowest dosage is healthiest, but then it started giving me headaches so they changed me back to ortho-cyclen. But now I am concerned because it is a "high-dose" birth control pill. They say there are no long term effects, but since it is a high dose and I've been taking it for 10 years I am still scared! Am I going to get menopause early?!?! Please help! Thanks!

Belfast attacks and recent BNP victories in English/MEP elections; are they, in any way linked?

The part of South Belfast (where the attacks happened - and racists threatening to cut a Romanian child's throat) have had their fair share of ultra right-wing Combat 18 leaflets put through their letterflaps over the months...and with Nick Griffin MEP visiting BNP Call Centre in Belfast recently, what do the people of Ulster think of their part of their world being under a microscope again...just over three weeks away from the July Marches?

I have a question about vaporizers?

should i get a portable vaporizer to smoke with or should i get one that you plug in to the wall. is this a good vaporizer

How long can you take the depo prevara shot?

Mt Grandmother has been taking the depo shot to regulate hormones when she began menopause. She has been taking it for around 2 years and wonders if she should stop taking it. The Dr. asked her to have another pap but my grandmother refuses bacause she is old and doesn't care to have one. She needs to know if it is unsafe to use it for many years in a row. Or if she has to take a break how long should the break be?

What are the definitions for marginal and average when discussing optimal production?

Marginal means "change in" , "extra" , or "additional". Average means output per input. For optimal production you want to concentrate on the marginal ysis. Produce were MR is in balance with MC.

Gah! i can't ollie while moving!! help!!!?

I was having the same problem. It's hard to keep balanced while moving and trying to pop the board. It takes a lot of practice, but also, make sure that your kingpin on your trucks is tight enough so that when you bend your knees to pop the board, it isn't impossible to balance. You want the board to be pretty stiff when learning tricks, it makes it a lot easier. Hope this helps!

Tactics for playing nerf?

People are idiotic. You need to be REALLY good at strategies and tactics to win. Most people (idiots) will just use Call of Duty bull**** and charge out in the open and get cheap kills. Somehow, actually winning in the end. Its sad....

Vampires real? or myth?

Think about all the stories and legends that go all the way back to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, romans, Mayans, Aztecs. Different cultures all have the same stories. coincidence? or real?

What should I do to get my ex to go back out with me (get us back together)?

Her facebook status makes it look like she's hurting and it's been about a week since the breakup. Problem is, I promised her I wouldn't contact her for at least a month. So what do I or do I do anything at all? She was the one who broke up with me but I was really amazing during the whole thing (honestly) but now I'm unsure of how to proceed. Let her stew some more, contact her, be mean (not my favorite), or what?

What should i be???

well. . . i too am twelve and lets just say that writing was my thing in elementry!!! now its just gonna get harder and ppl r gonna tell u how to write and what to write and its gonna lose all of its fun!!!!! so if u still luv to write after jh, or hs, i suggest a carreer as a public speaker or a poet. ( u obviously hav the emotions!!) but if thats not working out 4 u, i think u would make a great counsilor, or scientist!!!

If you asked a man if male authority should be usurped would you agree with him if this was his answer?

This thought process has existed from the beginning of creation. Whether it is parable or history I'm sure that uality played a major role in how Eve persuaded Adam to take of the forbidden fruit. The spirit lives on through Jezebel and her use of manipulation and deceipt in controlling Ahab, and through him ancient Israel. You may feel that you are bold or daring in posting this question, but you are nothing unique or special. The bottom line is this, however, you believe in the natural superiority of the female because you FEEL it. That is the greatest tool satan has, because the human female favors feeling over reason. That is not to say that the human female is incapable of reason, however when faced with a choice between using critical thinking and logical deduction most human females will opt for "trusting their intuition," i.e. they do not wish to be pestered with the facts, but would rather trust their feelings. If a woman wants it, then she believes that it is right. All satan has to do then is fill women with his own wants and desires whenever he senses weakness in a man, and the woman, feeling her desires are right, will pursue it by any means necessary. This is not a sign of natural superiority of the female, but rather it is a fatal flaw that satan in his many manifestations has been taking advantage of since the time woman was created to be man's helpmeet. Satan has taken what was meant to be man's greatest gift, and used it against him. This is not to say men are innocent, as we have a fatal flaw of our own...lust. This is why women have been able to take advantage of their uality, which was meant as a gift for men, and manipulate them, punish them, and steer them wrong with it. Again, this is not a sign of the natural superiority of the female, but a perverse corruption of the female that occurs when she s herself to satan to fulfill her own desire to promote herself and undermine the authority of men. Even men who are able to control their lust have a deep desire to provide for and please their women, thus when women extend their desires beyond what is reasonable men will do the unreasonable to fulfill them. Men would be happy living in mudhuts if they could spend their life in that mud hut with a woman who loved him, honored him, and was pleased to be his woman and a mother to his children. Of course we in "civilized" society know that no woman would settle for this. Remember, Viking women did not really concern themselves with the fact that their men were out and about pillaging, plundering, raping with impunity and burning villages...why? Because they got to fill their homes with the spoils, and adorn themselves with the jewelry that their men tore from the bodies of the women they d (lust again is the human male's weakness, and when wives do not use their uality properly for their own husbands it comes out sideways. The result is we conquer land and fight wars over borders and resources all so that we can build the "wealthiest" nations--i.e. the nations whose men take the most resources and destroy the land so that the women can have "enough" and be satisfied enough that the men get laid. Yet the women are not pleased, and expect more. The phase we're in now is the Jezebel phase, where women are beginning to decide to cast the men aside and do it on their own...things are about to get far, far worse. The planet we live on can not sustain a woman's desires...I would not call that inherent superiority considering the fact that it will, save a few souls if you believe in the rapture and judgement day, destroy our species. Women do hold tremendous power over men, that is true, but to call them inherently superior is absolutely ludicrous considering what their repeated failure to fulfill their roles as loving, grateful wives and nurturing mothers is doing to our ability to sustain the human species. If you believe in the Bible this seems to say that we are heading humankind to eternal damnation...if you believe in Evolution it seems to say that we are heading ourselves towards extinction, with much shorter tenure on Earth than the dinosaurs. The human male and the human female are both to blame, the male for not taking control of the situation and correcting this (mainly because of that constant tingle in our and our fear of "not getting any" if our females are disappointed) and the female for taking advantage of her man's weakness while still expecting him to shield her from her many, many weaknesses instead of being the gift to him that she is supposed to be, and being grateful for the honor of and respecting the dignity of wifehood and motherhood.

Reasons for why government's needs triumphs over the people. Same with big buisnesses?

I need to write an essay about how the most recent version of health care WON'T p health care (This was igned last Friday). I have the general ideas, but can someone please link me to sources and to articles why?

Baby question?

my almost 4 month old granddaughter is living with us. her mother was neglecting her & CYS is involved. she is a very pleasant baby. smiles & talks alot. not real words, just sounds. alot of gooing. anyway, her mother came for a visit. the baby cried for her. she did not know her. the mother is non emotional with her. does not talk to her & is not loving at all. the baby kept stairing at my girlfriend. amanda then tried to take her from us. there was alot of loud talking going on & the baby was in the middle of all the caous. the police were called & the mother was told to leave. my issue now is the baby keep stairing at us. very deep stairs. she is not talking at all now. what could be wrong? the episode happened 4 days ago. the baby has not been right since. is this normal. could she have been affected by what was going on? any help with this situation will be greatly appreciated.

Do you think that the way the United States picks a PRESIDENT Is fair to the AMERICAN PEOPLE?

The race for the WHITE HOUSE could cost over 1 BILLION dollars for 2008,while the PRESIDENT will be paid 400,000 per year. WHY SHOULD YOU HAVE TO BE RICH to run for the PRESIDENCY? Does this undermine our DEMOCRACY? Should the ELECTORAL COLLEGE BE ABOLISHED?

Pacifier Question?

My 5 month old LOVES his pacie. I'm worried about him using it too much. Should I start weaning him now?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why is marjuana illegal?

So I don't really smoke weed ever but I have before. I can understand why some drugs are illegal but not marijuana! First of all who is the government to say that a natural growing plant should be illegal? I don't understand if alcohol is legal why should weed not be? Weed does not even have to be refined u can just smoke it or eat it. If they put a age limit and no driving while on it that would be completely fine I would understand that. U can die from drinking to much alcohol but not from smoking to much weed at a time. Ya you can get cancer from smoking to much but you can get cancer from sitting out in the sun to much too... Should the gov say we can't sit outside for more that 4 hrs a day? It seems wrong to me that the gov. can say I can't plant this natural growing thing in my yard because they say so. Who are you to tell me that and how dare you try and control every aspect of my life to say I can't grow a certain kind of plant. Since they can tell me what I can and can't grow what is to stop them from saying who can and can't have there own children? I don't know why this is making me so so mad even cause I don't really smoke but seriously who are you to say what I can and cant grow in my yard. Why is there such a strick punishment in the midwest for it? Why do people go to jail for having a small amount. Is there nothing better to do? Arent there worse criminals that should be in jail arent jails over croweded? Take the weed people out and you get more space. I'd like to read about some reasons why people might think i'm wrong I have an open mind. Thanks for your answers guys :D

How did Bob Schiefer do as a Moderator?

I thought he did great and the best out of all 4 moderators. He cut them off when they were changing the subject.

I have discomfort under my left rib cage at the bottom of it.?

have discomfort under my left rib cage at the bottom of it. if i press in on that area with my fingers quickly i can feel trapped air? like bubbles. i thought my lung was congested but now im thinking it is something outside the lung because i can breathe fine.but like i said it feels like trapped bubbles in that area.what could this be?

Why doesn't President Obama outlaw all bomb making materials?

Because, at the very least, he believes in personal liberty. I don't support him, but he's not authoritarian enough to outlaw some basic resources. Conservatives skew his image as though he would do things like that.

Have the Democrats and Republicans finally found something in common?

Ouch, sounds like things are worse and getting worserer for the blue dog. Keep in mind, he's a republican in sheep's clothing, so he's actually right on schedule.

How to decrease my backside size?..its kinda big for my body n dont look nice when i wear pants?

Is this a natural phenomina, hereditery??? If not hit the gym and do lower body excercises like biking, swimming, running, squats etc..... Good Luck!

Why is it so popular for modern L�berals to sland�r Chr�st�ans as "intol�rant hat�-mongers"?

It's a fad they think is the cool thing to follow at the moment. "modern Libs" are mostly young and sucb to peer pressure very easily. Hopefully they'll grow up some day but sadly some of them never do.

Do you like these names?

I really like Camryn for a girl or a boy....I think it's so cute. I like it spelt with a "K" for a boy though, Kamryn. I don't really like any of your other girls names though. But I like Tristen, Owen and Cody for your boys name. Phoenix is cool for a boy too, but I would never name a girl Phoenix.

Tea party don,t want goverment telling what to do? but why do want goverment to tell wiscon teachers what to?

if the teacher lose their collective barging rights. then government can fire then take away every thing from then. yet at same time you don,t want government to do that to you? Or is just excuse to take away worker rights? strange why would guys be fore this how many you own companies? how you work in one?

Is this good for an opening paragraph of an article I'm writing?

During the second world war there where many brave soldiers whom lost their lives fighting for their queen and country. Many more would have lost their lives if it wasn't for a brave few, who against all the odds risked their rank and lives to return the wounded back home to be reunited with their loved ones. One of these brave few men happens to be my great granddad, ninety two year old Hugh Larmour. My great granddad may look like any other elderly person to an outsider but he has medals and a remarkable story to show for his life.

Due you think that Philip Hughes should ask advice from Andy Petite and Roger Clemens pronto?

I think you should stop talking about the Yankees and start to worry about the Red Sox, the team you claim to like. It's pretty obvious that you hate the Yankees more than you like the Red Sox and that is sad.

Was it then that Sarah Palin carried me?

With liberalism on the rise across the land, I gazed back across the sand. Only one set of footprints did I see. Was it then that Sarah Palin carried me?

Sounds of Cantonese vs Mandarin?

If you hear Vietnamese, you would find Cantonese is closer to it than Thai, because Vietnam is closer to south China where Cantonese speakers live. Mandarin sounds smoother and has 4 tones, Cantonese sounds more blunt and comes in 9 tones. Mandarin sounds cliche to you because this is the official language of China and happens to appeal to your hearing. It is in fact one of the hundreds of Chinese dialects and was chosen to represent the Chinese language officially only in 1954. Even if it doesn't sound as nice, Thai will sound cliche to Thai people and Cantonese will sound cliche to its native speakers.

What do you think of Dora the explorer?

I personally can't stand that b*tch. She stole Shaggy and Mr. y-Rogers away from me and let Handy Mandy touch me in my jinkie box....


I'm currently a junior studying psychology and am wanting to apply to I/O Psychology graduate school. Currently, I have a 3.68 GPA, am a research istant for an I/O based lab, a member of Psi Chi Psychology National Honor Society, and got a 1150 GRE. The program stats say last year the average GPA was a 3.4, GRE was an 1124 for first time enrolled. I can get good letters of recommendation too from my research staff when it comes time to apply. What do you think my chances of getting in are?

How do you become an explorer nowadays?

I don't know where to begin. I'm graduating highschool in two months, and I would love to explore unchartered ares, be it for knowledge, corporate gain(nothing destructive, though), however the hell I can be sponsored. I just want to know how I go about becoming sponsored or getting on board a team, or getting to an unexplored place.

What would you do with this room?

Okayy. I have brand new white furniture, a brand new white bed-quilt and two matching pillows, white sheets, and dark wood floors. I kinda want to monogram my initials on the sheets but I can't decide what color. How would you decorate my room? I can paint walls but I have to keep everything else the same because it's all very nice and new and it would drive my parents crazy if I wanted new bedding or furniture (which I don't). I can add toss pillows and extra blankets for more color, I can add accesories and rugs and posters or art. How would you decorate this room?

Do you think I have a chance of being pregnant this month? Please Help.?

I know nobody can tell me for sure, but I just want to know whether you think I have a fair shot at conceiving this month. I've been using the Clear Blue Easy Digital OPK with the smiley face. DH and I BDed late Friday night (Aug. 20) or early Saturday morning (Aug. 21)...depending on how you look at it...somewhere between 12am - 2am. We didn't BD the rest of Saturday nor on Sunday. I got my positive OPK smiley face yesterday, Monday Aug. 23, but DH couldn't BD because he wasn't feeling well. Well today, I felt the familiar pinch of pain by my right ovary around 3:30pm, and we BDed tonight and plan to tomorrow as well. I used Instead Softcups on the 20/21 as well as tonight. Do you think we still have a shot at conceiving this month or did we wait too long? I'm worried that missing out on BDing yesterday has lessened our chances this month.

I Need Some Help to Figure this Poem out?

well for the second sounds like as if someone was hurt on the inside (like emotionally ) and they couldnt feel the heat of happiness......they felt 'numb' and as if they could not go on...and then all that turned into something else. (Hate or happiness or understandment or peace or forgiveness or hope or sadness or pain or a broken heart just depends on how u look at it)

What should I do about my TV aerial?

We switch over to digital in my region in less than 100 days and I've still not got it sorted. I did get a freeview box and found that sometimes I could get a perfect picture on the digital channels but sometimes I got no signal at all. I've got a set-top aerial and an external ariel but the external aerial seems to have been knocked out of position. It is on a pole attached to the wall but I think the pole has slid down. In addition, the aerial used to move around in the wind and now it seems to have got stuck in one position (pointing in a different way from other aerials nearby.) I think the aerial is probably about 17 years old (although I don't know for certain). Do I need to get a Registered Digital Installer to sort this out for me? How do I know whether my current aerial will be okay once it is back in the right position? A lot of aerial installers mention that you need a 'digital' aerial but I've heard that there is no such thing and I'm worried that whoever I employ will spin me line about needing a new aerial in order to get more money out of me and I don't know enough to know whether to believe them or not. My flat is 3 floors up so, unless they can adjust the aerial from a window (which they may be able to do), is it going to be difficult/expensive to get someone to do this? Could they use a ladder or would they need to erect scaffolding? I was thinking of just getting the aerial adjusted and then seeing whether it works or not but, if I then have problems and do need a new aerial, I could potentially end up paying a lot of money twice, if getting someone to work at that height is difficult and expensive. Can anyone please advise me?

I need some good children's books about immigration and citizenship maybe a caldocotte or newberry award ?

winner? Thanks. We are reading A Very Important Day at school. I was hoping to find something about Ellis Island or even current day immigration and the sacrifices families make to come to this country. I want some short picture books I could finish in one day.

Housebreaking and training a jack russell pup, helps, advice and tips please?!?

I got my lil jack russell puppy 2 days ago, she's 8 weeks old and absoblutely gorgeous! But i had been begging for a dog since forever and it hasn't really turned out how i thought it would be, The breeder we got her from told us she was paper trained, at first she had a few accidents, and then a couple of times she got the paper, then she missed the paper, and then she started doing her buisness everywhere! I want to housebreak her, when i take her outside, i don't think she knows that i want her to relieve herself. I've also tried training her, sit, etc. I know i should be patient, but please give me some advice. And please don't tell me she's too young and its only been 2 days, because on all the websites i've looked on it says you should start as soon as they come to your home, otherwise it will become harder and harder. Also jess has also chewed the printer wire, eaten leaves from plants in the house, and she is forever jumping up, She doesn't sleep through the night either whenever i come down in the morning really early at 6am ish she's already awake. Is this because she has naps during the day? I've really fallen in love with her, but i really want to get her basic house trained at the very least, Many thanks :)

What do you think of my story so far?

I don't know what it is about your style of writing but i love it. This is a great idea that i thoroughly enjoyed reading. If you finished and published this i would be the first buyer. You have a real knack for writing.

Am I the only one who can't stand Black Eyed Peas?

I like one or two songs but most of them I hate...I hate the fact that about 60% of the videos that MTV play seem to be BEP...and other artists seem to feature either or Fergie in like half their songs. Anyone else sick of these guys and of them being force-fed down our throats? I know they've been around for years but it seems like it's only been the past couple of years that they're everywhere and you can't get rid of them. Anyone else want them to just go away?

Could Algae be a food source of the future?

Within the context of a possible environmental collapse and a rising population do you think algae could be reconsidered as a food of the future? Would it be possible to grow strands such as spirulina in the house in sufficient quantities to provide a proportion of a persons dietary needs (maybe 20-50%?)

What are the effects of Norman Borlaug's Green Revolution on places other than India?

I am doing a project on the Green Revolution. I have found lots of information on how this effected India- particularly the Punjab area. I need to know how it has effected Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, etc. Please cite your source.

My Aunt is expecting and she wants me to name her baby.I have names picked out, tell me what you think off?

How about narrowing it down to five names for each gender and then ask. This is too many to choose from.

Do you think wwe has changed it's style with jobbers of wwe?


I really like this guy! But does he like me back? If so why hasnt he asked me out?

Maybe you need to drop some big hints (blokes can be a bit blind unless you point out the obvious...) or maybe start checking out other blokes with him, see how he reacts, see if he gets defensive or if he laughs it off?! Maybe just ask him outright and see how it goes?! You never know?! Although you risk losing a friendship over it, but at least then you know where you stand and can move on with your life?!

Is it just where I live or do people shop for groceries in their PJ's?

I've seen people wear "clothes" out in public (not just the grocery store, but movie theaters, too) that I wouldn't wear at home. I first noticed it with students at the university I work at a few years ago where they'd come to the dining hall, the library and even cl in their pajamas and slippers. I figured it was a trend that would die out. Instead it has proliferated. I see it as a lack of self-respect.

When you watch The Dark Knight...?

Yep. He did do awsome. Its sad because thats the last movie. He did an outstanding preformance. The best villan in any movie.

I'm 18 years old so why am I having hot flashes?

There are a variety of conditions it could be, including premature menopause, in which the ovaries stop working at a young age. Your doc can do tests for this. You need to make an appointment right away.

Do you think he is into me?

Okay so i know this guy. Last summer we had a very romantic time, however we never kissed, yet everyone umed we were dating. Then he went of till about 5 weeks ago. I know during the last year he liked another girl, who he sees everyday, and admitted about 2 weeks ago that he had liked her. Now he is coming to see me again, and at first seemed shy and wary, now he is his normal self again, and back to our old fling type way. I can only see him once a week for about a 45 mins max, and that all depends on whether he comes to see me. He has also started to go and talk to my friend again (whom he stopped talking to when he wasn't seeing me!) Although he is shyer about talking about me and just seems like he is going because of me but not to find out about me.I think maybe he stopped coming to see me, because i got in with a crowd who were loud and not very nice, and i changed, when i told him that i wasn't friends with them anymore he smiled and said good. So was that why he went?! I don't know what to do really? i mean i am going to confront him about a couple of things, when i get the chance. Currently i am trying not to like him, because i know he is a lose canyon and may disappear again, but i am finding it hard. ONe of my other guy friends who lives with him, says that you can't deny there is something between us, and if only i could see the way he looks at me when my back is turned. I deny all this of course, meaning that my friend says okay then well you can't deny he has a 'guy' crush on you, which he proceded to explain that meant he would kiss me then lose interest ( oh and the friend that lives with him as liked me for about a year, so i dont know whether to trust him). Although i don't think it could be true of the boy, it has stuck with me and keeps playing in my mind. So what should i do? say i ask him a few things, should i kiss him? I don't know. HELP!

Why do you think that racist and inflammatory rhetoric like from Pastor Steven Anderson is tolerated?

I'm going to answer this like a lot of answers from the left have sounded. Where's the links? Anyone can make this stuff up? Prove it?Why are you being so mean? and my favorite...Where's my check?

What happens if you put a...?

What happens if you put a hologram, a teaspoon, a rubber duck, a heat projecting missile, a penguin, a radioactive spider, a scuba diver, a puppet, a microphone, a sheep, a cheese grater, a dictaphone and a newspaper all in the same room?

Help my lezbo clmate is hitting on me!!...look!......?

trust me come outa the closet she can sooo tell your lez it just keeps getting easier no harder once you come out btw she sounds hot GO FOR IT! just dont tell too many people!

What song is this? All i want is to be wanted by you.?

I was listening to the radio and this song camp on . ' hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoooo hoo. and i think it's called all i want is to be wanted by you. the artist kind of sounds like christina aguleria or mandy moore but it's not.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skits for theatre cl?

in my theatre cl we are going to be putting on a production of Random skits. some can be funny, like SNL skits, but some need to be dramatic. i need 4 skits, preferably 2 of each. any websites or skits you know would be great!! thanks:)

How to crochet a ripple stitch lap blanket?

Does anyone know of a very easy to follow ripple stitch crochet pattern for a lap blanket/afghan/throw? Not a full size blanket and not a baby one. Just something to throw over while watching TV. How many chain stitches should I start with and what to do next? Maybe about 4 ft wide? I am not sure how to calculate how many chains I need for that width or how many ripples I need. Thanks!

Should I eat this just for today?

Treat yourself, it's been 6 weeks, it's not like one burger is going to hurt! My diet book says 80:20, meaning as long as you stick to your dieting and exercising 80% of the time, it will stop you from craving and you will not be tempted as often, causing your diet to stop. Hope this helps :D

Tell me your opinion on this article?

To be perfectly honest I am sick of moronic packer fans like him that think like this, "I was privileged enough to witness Favre help resurrect the Green Bay Packers and the truth is I’m worried he might be doing the same with the Vikings". These idiots completely forget about White, Holmgren, Desmond Howard for that one year,...

Iraqi Ambador puts CodePink in their place. He gets it, but why cant some Americans get it?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Biochemistry Question?

An antibiotic named fixmycin, which was isolated from a fungus on ripe pion fruit, is effective in curing many types of venereal disease. In characterizing fixmycin’s mode of action, you have found that it is a bacterial translational inhibitor that binds exclusively to the large subunit of E. coli ribosomes. The initiation of protein synthesis in the presence of fixmycin always results in the generation of dipeptides that remain ociated with the ribosome. Suggest a mode of action for fixmycin.

Red dirt in plaid shorts...please see inside .?

well my hubby wore his plaid very nice shorts today and ended up playing soccer , well when he got home there was red dirt all over the back and sides of them where he slid and so on , what is the best way for me to get the red dirt out with no stains left ? I actually have them soaking in cold water with some hydro max ariel oxy azul liquid detergent whicg is the best stuff i have ever used to remove stains , but i just do not wanna mess up these shorts please help and thanks

How do i make my skin lighter?

Skin lightening creams work well. Lemon juice can lighten your skin. Light coloured foundation. Avoid the sun as well.

What Video Card should I Buy?

Hi, my computer has a 3.2 ghz amd processor, and a gig of ram. I want to play battlefield 2142 and maybe rainbow 6 vegas. I need a video card. I have a 500w power supply, and pci and agp slots. I do not have pci-e. I need a video card with 256mb ram built in. I have been looking, but I do not know if they have the pixel shaders 1.0 , 2.0 or 3.0, which i guess is important. I am looking to buy a cheap video card which will play battlefield. Thanks, Tim

My 11 month old granddaughter gets a red rash every time she comes to my house.?

It always starts on the right cheek then spreads to the left cheek. Next to the diaper area, chest and neck. By the second day under her eyes is black and her eye area swells. When she goes home, it's gone in a day and she is left with dry skin only. I have eliminated food and carpet. I can only ume it's environmental Nothing has changed in all the time she has been coming here. She did not get it the first 6 months she was coming here. She was coming every weekend. Now due to the rash she can't come here anymore. Any ideas? I want to start getting her again

Problems with a local business.?

From my experience watching daytime TV court shows, it's only considered slander if what you are saying is both false AND is said/written with the intent to harm or embarr the person. But don't quote me on that, LOL.

Is it possible to get a pardon?

Is it possible to get a legal pardon for immigration purposes ?For felony conviction of battery in germany?With a good lawyer?And how would we try to do that?

I can't swallow and have extreme diarreah. I can't take it anymore. What can I do?

It all started Saturday Evening exactly one week ago. I was drinking heavily the night before and stopped taking my prilosec because I couldn't afford it and wanted to try something more natural for my severe acid reflux. I was taking bananas and zantac 150 twice daily but nothing, not mustard, not tums would take away my acid. It was bad for like two days and I think that is what is causing this but I have been free of acid for a week now. I went back on prilocec and the burn went away the next day. Anyhow I just got out of the ER because I panicked from not being able to swallow my own saliva. The doctor was so mean to me. I dont have insurance so I couldn't just walk out after paying upfront already. He did a barrium swallow (OMG that was the worst ever) but everything came back normal. After that I was almost immedietely getting better at swallowing my liquids again (which is leading me to think it was mental). I have a history of anxiety and overthinking things. Well the hospital visit was days ago and I still can't swallow. I cry everyday because I am litteraly starving all the time and live off fluids. My stomach bloats up everytime I eat one little thing. I have major stomach problems, diarreah all day . I am barely eating solids, most of what I eat is fruit/vegatables that are in a drink like NAKED. I have seen two doctors already and they just keep acting like there is nothing they can do and are very mean and rude to me. I have no more money or insurance and the ER at the county basically told me it's in my head. One other thing that could have started this is that I just recently went to the dentist and had a whole bunch of work done within a week. IT WAS AWFUL. My bottom wisdoms came out and a top major tooth (2nd molar came out). So I was already babying my intake of food. Now today my throat seems like its swollen. I had developed dry socket from the wisdom teeth but I thought it was getting better. Now they seem to hurt again, but not too bad. Does anyone know any excercises I can do to make myself get back to swallowing solids. Its like I forgot and panic. Im freaking out and dont want to take an anibiotic, took them for years for a skin problem and they upset my stomach. I cant even seem to get this probiotic yogurt (soy) down. I am severe lactose intolerant, happened after all the antibiotics. GEEZ I sound like an unhealthy freak, but now I am only concerned about the swallowing. I just want to train my mind to do it without thinking. I cant keep living like this. I have no more money , although I will next week, i was just hoping to get over this myself. P.S. Being the panic freak that I am, please don't answer things like I have esophogeal cancer. The barrium swallow was normal and I would like an endoscopy. Will my regular doctor perform this, does anyone know the cost?

Time lapse Photography software?

I already tried using EOS Utility (doesnt work because I have 64 bit) and I have tried time-lapse (doesnt work either, many, many errors) does anyone know abotu some freeware that I can use to create a timelapse video by hooking up my camera to my computer? I have tried EVERYTHING and want to get a time-lapse video going, and I prefer to use the computer instead of an intervalometer.

Why do they say if you get good grades in school you can get a really good job? dont you need exp as well?

I have been talking with family about school and how grades are important. They say that if you do good in school you can get really good jobs? How is that? Do employers look at your grades when you apply for a job? I mean my grades arnt that good but I am pulling it up and probly transfering to another school to have a fresh start and have had decent jobs at companys so far so my resume is decent. How can getting my grades good land me a good paying job? My brother is making alot of money now but his grades are horrible. Do grades really matter too employers?

Which AEG is better: The JG custom series AUG or The Matrix custom P90 "Terminator"?

Well slghtly... it depends, I havennnt heard much onn matrix but I know for sure that jg products are quality. So I would buy jg but if your playing cqb then you might want to look into the p90 because of its short barrel and tactical accesories. If your playing field I would definetley would go with the aug and I know jg is durable.

Why is my freehand/magnetic/polygonal lo tool snapping back into a circular shape when I close the loop?

I am a Photoshop newb and I am probably missing something so simple, but it is absolutely maddening! Help! All I want to do is create an imperfect freehand shape but when I try to close the loop, it automatically creates a circle. I'm tearing my hair out...someone help!!!

Extremely timid female rat biting/unable to hold?

ok i had the same problem my rat was so scared of me. its cause we look so big to them. if you put her on your bed and laydown with her and let her crawl all over you and just pet her she will learn to calm down. also try giving her chocolate as a treat she will LOVE you lol

Which New Moon DVD should i get?

I say the twilight new moon ultimate fan edition. I already went to fye at my mall and put one on pre-order....I asked for the special edition one. I hope its the first one your talking about.... They only had two choices, Special Edition or standard. But if I were you totally ultimate edition one. If I would have known about that, I would have pre-ordered that one for sure! and 7 MINUTES OF ECLIPSE! are you kidding me? I wouldn't even have to think about which one I want.That's a dead give away...but them again Eclipse was my favorite book soooo. hahaha. hope I helped :)

Why is suicide such a sensitive subject?

I take 100 mg of l-dopa every morning and 100 mg of 5htp every night. It has done wonders for my depression.

Is satellite radio going out of business? ?

Was thinking on getting Sirius radio but heard the company is not doing well. Don't want to get stuck with something that may not work later on. Thanks for the help.

Richmond Football Club Question?

You've got to be able to beat the top teams if you want to play finals football.Richmond clearly aren't good enough to do that this season (at least so far).All teams have injuries - Geelong were missing 3 top players in the home and away game v Hawks last year, but still won.It's about squad strength and playing as a team - again,Tigers aren't good enough in these areas, for 4 quarters, to beat the top sides and play finals football this season.

Media Bias? Palin Criticized For Doing Her Job?

Um, excuse me, but it's possible that the source did not want to be revealed. It is also possible (I say possible because I have not read the Alaskan Constitution) that there is a place that says she has to turn it over. My dad was criticized for doing his job by his boss. Why should Palin be any different? The State of Alaska is her boss.

Start Marion Barber or michael turner?

After how ridiculous the niners D was last week I would have to say take barber over the weak chiefs D. Also with Roy williams out the 'boys are probably going to try to establish a good ground game so definitely Barber.

Whats your favourite movie with Harvey Keitel in it ?

from dusk til dawn. however, honorable mention would be Rising sun, costarring Sean connery and wesley snipes.

Let's all just face it the Nba is rigged?

This is not a question this is a fact, the nba is the wwe with a basketball. This sh*t is fake, david stern can decide whoever he wants to win a basketball game. Take notice of a series like the bucks and sixers series in 2001, where ray allen, sam casell and co. where called for numerous touch fouls on allen iverson and the other sixers. Even Ray Allen was saying after that series he knew that the nba was rigged. Another example of this is the seattle supersonics and Phoenix suns in 1993. There were so many phantom fouls on the suns it wasn't even funny, players on the sonics were fouling out left and right . Another case of this was the Mavs-heat series, where dwyane wade shot 97 freethrows in 6 games, im not just saying this becuase im a maverick fan but when the mavs are shooting 49% for the game where the heat only shoot 37% and the heat still win there is a problem. Another example of this is the kings and lakers series in 2001, stay tuned for additional details.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why does one person think Catholicms is the truth,another think Baptist is the truth,another think.......?

Christ established one Church only, his Church, the Body of Christ in 33 AD, to which all Christians originally belonged to. During the 16th century, serious dissensions occurred and large communities became separated from full communion with the Catholic Church. They invented their own denominations, and altered their Bibles in protest to the Church. We now have over 30,000 different denominations and cults of Christianity who cannot agree with each other, even on basic Scripture. The ruptures that wound the unity of Christ's Body (heresy,apostasy and schism) do not occur without human sin.

Wrestlemaina is only five days away what is your predictons for the matches?

i think that they will probably let shawn micheals win against the undertaker to break his 16-0 win at wrestle mania i think that either christian of possibly cm punk will when money in the bank HHH is going to beat the **** out of randy Orton i think that John cena will win against edge and the big show jeff will beat his brother matt rey will when against JBL Y@J will beat the legends and im not sure who will when Miss wrestlemania

Im 13 and i want to kow how i can make $10 in one night?

i need $10 in a night but i cant panhandle play guitar on the street or be a paper boy also dont tell me im 13 i dont need money i need to study because thts bullshit i need money ! please hlp me!

With the 50th Anniversary of the death of Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and JP Richardson - just wondered if the?

Singers were singers in the late 50's and 60's and became stars. Nowadays they are one night wonders, one hit record and then never heard of again. Good music in the 50's and 60's that's when music and songs started, these days its sometimes just a noise and a lot of shouting and no meaning to the words in the song. There are a few good singers around these days but a lot of not so good singers.

Where can I find more information about the Wisconsin Judicial College?

I did a Google search for "wisconsin judicial college", but couldn't find a website for it, or much other info about it.

Blackberry help needed?

Ok, I am new to the Blackberry or any PDA for that matter. I want to put some spreadsheets and word docs on my device...How do I do it? The Blackberry desktop manager seems to suck. Do I have to send the file in an email and then save it? Thanks

Hey, Would consider her behavior to be "-ish"?

Hell yeah. She's a tramp. What I'd like to know is how she gets all these men. Probably cuz she acts like a slut so they think they're gonna get some. She probably has STDs and if you slept with her you do too. She's disgusting

Which Team do you think has the best starting rotation?

The Giants clearly have the most talented rotation in the NL. Anyone of their current starters could be an ace on another team. But considering they're pitching in the NL, i'd have to give the title to the Yankees. Phil Hughes, CC, Burnett, and Andy are having great seasons and give no signs of letting up.

Penguin Clic's Couture Clics?

Are there going to be more clics with cover art by Ruben Toledo or were the three he did (Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, and The Scarlet Letter) the only ones he was going to do it for?

Are non-specific cancers hereditary?

My father has melanoma, my mother has thyroid cancer, and my brother has testicular cancer. Even though each of these cancers do not take the same form, does it stem from the same DNA mutation? Basically, are these episodes of cancer in my family related? And how at risk am I?

Why are certain things made of alloy?

because alloys are usually stronger and/or have more favorable thermodynamic properties than single metals. alloys can also be a lot cheaper too in some cases

Why does everyone ume 'new' breeders are BYB's?

When you were new, I bet you weren't on YA asking questions that you should be asking vets, mentors, and other breeders. If someone comes on here asking what to do when they're dog's in labor, I'm gonna call them out and call them a BYB. A responsible breeder, even a new one, would be prepared for the whelping and if any questions did arise, in most cases they wouldn't be on here asking them. You sound perfectly reputable.

Is it really religious freedom if your choices are turn or burn?

My last question asked if the Bible endorsed religious freedom. Several people said that it does because God gives you a choice between Heaven and Hell. Does this make sense to anyone? If a government said that you had the choice between practicing the state religion or be thrown in jail for the rest of your life is this freedom? Likewise, how does getting to choose between practicing one specific religion or be punished for eternity equal freedom?

How do u say, "please stop hurting my feelings" in Lebanese?

My in-laws can be rather mean and I would like to know how to say this in a Lebanese dialect-10 points best answer!!

Whats the name of the wpix show where a kid plays guitar then travels through a computer & become a superhero?

the show came on either before or after VR Troopers. it was similar to that show as well as Power Rangers.

What do you think of these baby shoes?

The nice thing about robeez for non-walking babies is you can buy them big and let them grow into them. At this point, yeah, all they do is keep his feet warm when outside... so buy them a little big and let him grow into them. Those shoes are adorable! Measure his feet and there should be a size guide online.

Length of shadow of 1m pole at a place 500km approximately north of Perth at 12 o'clock local time?

this is for an physics experiment for school preferably a place in northern hemisphere and measured on level ground really appreciated if someone did it cheers

Is this an example of the vaunted GOP "family values" in action?

It is called divorce. That simple. Noone can run from happens, sadly it happens. Of course emotions are HUGE but...what can you do?

Which sub amp is better?

im looking for an amp to run my 2 12" Fi SSD's they are 1600 RMS at 2ohm. im stuck between Alpine M-1000, Kicker ZX1000.1 (08 Model) or Rockford Fosgate T10001-BD (older gray model)

Was wilmer valderrama born in Miami,OR Colombia?

well me and my mom were watching Thats 70's show and my mom said all of a sudden "Fez is from Colombia" (she said that because were Hispanic so whenever someone in a show is hispanic,she tells me because were hispanic lolz) well anywayz then i said "yeah his parents are from colombia but he was born in Miami,Florida" (like i was) so she said "no i read in a newspaper that he's from colombia.." so now im curious if he was born in colombia or miami :) thanks guys if you answer and 10 points for besttt answerr

Whats with my DDR2 RAM?

I have 2 corsair cm2x2048-6400c5 DDR2 RAM modules in duel channel on an xfx8200 mobo. PC6400 RAM is 800 MHz but the max bandwidth is marked at 400mhz in CPU-Z. Also why is there a 270 MHz clock and a 400 MHz clock? If I had a memory divider wouldn't it be in the bios? And is my FSB x 2 the equation for RAM bandwidth?

What constitutes slander?

I recently left a job and the new girl is spreading rumors all over our small town saying I did things I did not do.

Is it possible to fly?

Scientifically Bee's shouldn't be able to fly. All i know is if you find a way to fly then let me know. (Y)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

15 years old and pregnant... read for more....?

Just tell them that you (cough-abortion-cough) and your boyfriend love each other and are ready to have this (cough-abortion-cough) child together.

Is Eating Peanut er And Jelly with Chips weird?

Alot of times at night when im hungry, ill grab a pb&j and throw some chips on the side, my dad will walk by to go sit on the other couch and say," Ewww Man, thats just weird!!", and ill defend my case saying its not and that alot of people do it ( not really knowing whether thats true or not ), anyway, we were unloading the groceries and the topic came up and i said, you know what, ill go on yahoo answers and see. :) so, any opinions?

Can some body plz tell me the phone number for sabah hospital kuwait.?

i have nothing to do with kuwait but no one answered your question so i felt like helping out 965-481 200 is the number i think

Wilting Orchid -- Please help!?

If I had to guess without seeing it, it is one of two things, either there is a problem with the root system or the plant got too hot or too cold and the leaves have been damaged from it. Even thoughh it doesn't look like it needs it, I would unpot the plant and take a good look at the roots and see if they are still plump and healthy looking. It never hurts to repot an orchid. If the roots look good then you have to ume something severe happened to the top of the plant to cause the damage. If this is the case and the main growing point survived, you just have to be patient, live with the ugly and wait for it to sprout new leaves. It sounds like the existing leaves are too far gone to ever recover. Remove the flower stems, they are just sapping the plant of energy at this point. If the leaves get to the point that they are rotting, cut them way back. Good luck!

Do atheists seem more cynical to you than religious people?

If so, do you think this is because atheists aren’t blind to the truth and the truth makes them cynical? I mean, ignorance really is bliss and the blissfully ignorant have no reason to be cynical because they live in their own special world with invisible gods and magical holy books that contain the answers to all of life’s mysteries, right?

Is my snowboard to short?

I am planning on going snowboarding again soon. But i havent used my board in awhile, so i grew. It is about at my chest now. Is this bad or am i fine in riding this board?

'Black' or 'African-American'?

i don't find it offensive but i do know alot of other people who do. They perfer if someone would call them black. I rather be called african american, even though i was not born in africa, but i still do my traditional things and am still intact with my cultural roots. So i prefer if someone caleld me AA instead of black. that is just me. I don't know why we can't cal all americans americans. But calling me black just feels like i have no identity.

IWant to straighten my hair but I'm mixed, what do I do?

I am mixed with peurto rican and hatian. Both my parents are from the islands, blah blah blah. So I'm stuck with VERY curly hair. Any one can help? I'd prefer someone with the same type of hair though :p

I have a 1989 Prelude Si and id like to Upgrade it.?

or try that place is great! once you register, use the search bar and you will find it. they have a few of your preludes already that has the h22 vtec in it.

Can someone explain to me how I can make a custom skin for the P2P software Ares.?

I can only find info on how to make a skin for limewire and a few other P2P programs. Right now all I can do is get to the different themes for Ares but I don't know what to do from there. I am not good with computers so I am not sure what to do next.

Are all these words offensive: slag, slu't, btich, cow, hore, tramp, trollop, strumpet, scrubber?

These words are all offensive. They all relate to a woman or girl who is thought to be with many different men. No one should use them to describe another person no matter what their lifestyle is. I suggest that you ignore people who use them as being too low to acknowledge.

Slightly lengthly satellite radio question...?

Ok I had Sirius service while back, but cancelled it year or so later. I since moved and when I unpacked my old receiver and hooked it up, I was still getting service so I shut my mouth and took advantage. Problem is, my receiver is old now and is failing me so I was wondering, if I get a new receiver do I have to set it up with Sirius again and jeopardize my free service or will it just switch service from the old unit to the new? Btw, I don't mind paying for it if I have to, but I just wanted to continue to take advantage of someone else's mistake lol.

Why are more people becoming brainwashed by religion?

because its something they grew up to, when you grow up with something and believe in it you think its right

My 3 year old tells herslef disturbing things when its bed time?

Sounds really sad!! And I'm sure you're a great mother so don't doubt that ... Instead of telling her "not to" say these things, I would try sitting down with her and asking her why she is saying these things? Tell her she will not get into trouble and that she can tell you anything. Maybe prompt her with questions. "Is it because you have to go to bed?" Maybe she thinks if you punish her for something that you don't love her. Sometimes kids just say these things for attention but I would be a little concerned too. Have you noticed any other changes in her moods lately? If things get worse, take her to a child psychologist but I really think that you can talk to her at three.

Muslims: Is Hadith considered authoritative?

hadith means the things which prophet mohammed said and sunnah means the things which mohammed did a lot of hard work has been done to collect the hadiths and sunnahs and its all done by very religious ppl who loved the prophet ppl went on long journeys when they found out that a man has a hadith or sunnah in the begaining the hadiths and sunnahs were writen on leaves or the wooden pealing of trees then when the paper was invented it started coming in the books